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VMember Function
V Member functions
V Members can use the popular videos, best videos, high-quality videos, popular videos of popular stars from PC/mobile/tablet on-demand global providers.
Open a week (7 days) / ¥ 49.9
One week V Member ¥49.9 / $8.0
Open one month (31 days) / ¥99.9
Monthly V Member ¥99.9 / $15.0
Videos Online
C2C, B2C, P2P video service
Providing users with C2C, B2C, and P2P video on demand network services, and automatically providing users with resources from the provider/user with better network status from the user in the radar mode.
87 alliances in 28 countries
87 alliances in 28 countries
28 countries around the world have joined/unioned 87 websites/APP/players to provide users with high-quality, high-speed resource link addressing services. If you include the above Donkeys icon or tag, your account will be universal.
premium video provider
10,000+ premium video provider
With more than 10,000 quality providers around the world, we provide broadcasters with the latest, high-quality, high-speed video transmission services, enabling broadcast users to enjoy exciting video resources of different styles of content.
Global win
The EDonkey network will look for users who watch/download the same video, forward the video to other users based on your network quality, and users who watch/download the video will also receive 5CNY/G, 0.7USD/G cash income.

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